Hadar Ahuvia, veteran puppeteer Rowan Magee, and guest collaborators have been creating puppet theater works for Jewish ritual since 2016. For more information contact email hadarahuvia@gmail.com

Hagar and Sarah

Created for Rosh Hashanah Services 5781 / 2020

Based on traditional Torah readings for the Jewish New Year

Text, Video, Puppetry: Rowan Magee and Hadar Ahuvia

Music and Sound Design: Anat Spiegel

Voice of Hagar: Anat Spiegel

Voice of Sarah: Hadar Ahuvia

Inspired by: Bereshit 16-21, Tikva Frymer-Kensky, Delores S. Williams, Wilda C. Gafney

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Yom Kippur 5778/ 2017

Created by Hadar Ahuvia, Rowan Magee, and Emma Wiseman, with puppet construction by Rae Stimson

Jonah (in Hebrew Yonah or Dove) the reluctant prophet, transforms- his head flies away, his body becomes into the ocean he wishes to hide within, the boat from which he is cast, and ultimately the fish that consumes him and where he has his internal transformation.

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Avodah Service

Create for Yom Kippur Avodah Service, 5777/ October 2016

By Hadar Ahuvia, Rowan Magee and Nick Lehane

Goat’s Works revives the temple on Yom Kippur ritual, literally- with an overhead projector, and figuratively shining light on the ancient rituals and avodah as described in Leviticus 16. The show make accessible a text study inspired by the sages’ explication of the word L’azazel- The wilderness, the unknown, a demonic lair. Text turns to image, and image is accompanied by music from Mizrahi and Ashkenazi traditions. The congregation participates in the ritual by writing their “cheta’im’” on pieces of cloth and tying them to giant hebrew letters that when assembled by the puppeteers, become the “scapegoat”.